
5:37 PM (6/1/22):

"When one begins to dwell on the things, which take precedence... to those, of this world... one attracts that, which is of that 'higher plane/realm'... of existence..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God… nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye… at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable… and we will be changed…” – 1 Corinthians 15:51
Seek Ye the Kingdom of God - YouTube


5:41 PM (6/1/22):

"In the context of the laws of the universe... living in accordance with that which is 'supernatural'... can only be done effectively, when there has been sufficient recognition... of the natural... The spirit takes precedence to that of the mind/intellect, which does the same... for the body/physicality... A balancing act must take place between these three variables, in order to progress through spacetime... in an ideal fashion, and become increasingly discerning... of that which is of, a 'higher power'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube

5:47 PM (6/1/22): "As time progresses,  the means by which one stays in its flow... with 'intrinsically minimal regret,' requires consultation of the Holy Spirit... which is a human's link to God, a function which is presently performed by Jesus Christ... in the spirit realm..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:43 PM (6/1/22):
"On Earth, there presently are approximately 7.9 billion people... and a multitude have heard, about Jesus Christ... and His Resurrection, 3 days after His Crucifixion... Nevertheless, not all realize that Jesus departed to heaven... 40 days, after that... 

It seems evident that interpretation can be subjective, based off one's innerworkings and variables... such as literacy rate, and cultural influences... 

Personally, I believe it's safe to assume... that 'asymptotic aging' is unconventional... and is a 'spiritually ordained' process. Such contrasts with artificial means, which have been proposed... for attaining 'eternal youth,' dealing with genetic alteration...." - Michael Izuchukwu

Elon Musk explains the consequences of genetic engineering... - YouTube

"In the context of secularism, one can live for a long time... but when considering spirituality/religion, one can do such... and then retain the hope, of being 'whisked away' to heaven... by God..." - Michael Izuchukwu


[11:47 PM (5/22/22):

"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..." - Lao Tzu

"The above quote applies to reading books, learning subjects which build upon their elementary constituents (math subjects, for instance), and 'asymptotic aging'... In the context of this, I believe that age 28 is when the doors for such... open... One could interpret this integer, as one saying 'imagination is more important, than knowledge'... in the context of the principle, of 'not believing in coincidences (seeing a 'sign,' for instance)... Therefore, if one has not given the notion of 'asymptotic aging' sufficient consideration... by age 48, it may be difficult to experience the fruits of one's labor... towards such. Particularly, if one seeks to 'live without limits'... In the bible, there was a man named Enoch... who allegedly 'did not taste death,' given he was 'plucked away' by 'God the Father'... who is Jesus Christ's 'heavenly Father'... 

...the implication of that sentiment, is that 'Enoch vanished'... like an apparition (at the age of 365)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Enoch - Wikipedia &

Elon Musk's Daily Schedule - YouTube &

The Illusionist (2006) Opening Scene - Young Eisenheim and Sophie's Story - YouTube (0:00-1:14) &

SNAP-SCROLL #2 https://www.facebook.com/Michael.izuchukwu.904 (tumblr.com)

12:43 AM (5/23/22):
"I think the fact that Enoch lived to the age of 365, before being 'teleported to heaven (while his son died a natural death, at age 969)'... is a sign from God, that there is a distinction between being pure-hearted, as opposed to just 'good'... If you're with God, you're with God... but if you're not, you're not... It is written in the bible, that 'the wages of sin, is death (Romans 6:23)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10

see the following link, for the full context:

#1 - HIGHER VALUES (2skywalking48.blogspot.com)


6:04 AM (6/2/22):

"Everyday, one tends to awaken in the place one did... the day before... unless one is a vagrant. The concept of time, is intriguing... given that unless one could transcend the third dimension, it's difficult to juxtapose '3-dimensional' still frames... of its passage... If one could see oneself traversing a path, at 7:00:00, 7:00:01 and 7:00:02 (side-by-side) in the morning... one may have a better understanding, of spacetime... if the subtle differentiations of those moments, were processed..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Beach House - Majorette (Slowed) - YouTube


6:16 AM (6/2/22):

"There was something he was trying to say, but can't quite explain..." - The Joker 
2:43 PM (6/3/22): "Albert Einstein once said, 'time is relative, to the observer'... I would add that such applies, for the internal and external... experience..." - Michael Izuchukwu
2:46 PM (6/3/22): "How fast is time passing, on the inside... compared to the outside (biological age, versus chronological age)...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

6:23 AM (6/2/22): 
"Information can be lost, in translation... like in the game of 'Telephone'... One may be able to internalize something a particular way, but unless one can aptly describe such... it may be difficult to gauge, what was envisioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:51 AM (6/2/22):

ERs reach record capacity as hospitals are inundated with patients (msn.com)

7:02 AM (6/2/22):

I decided to stop trying to please everyone - YouTube



NOTE: Vanishing videos, are estimated to appear... for anywhere from '1-3' hours... 


11:06 AM (6/2/22):

"Interesting article... at first glance, I thought such was a matter of 'national security'... in the context, of sarcasm..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Speller reinstated into National Spelling Bee after appeal (msn.com)


11:46 AM (6/2/22):
LeBron James is the First Active NBA Player to Become a Billionaire (msn.com)

"As of today, Lebron James (active player) and Michael Jordan (retired player)... are the only 2 NBA billionaires... I wonder if Kobe Bryant would have been up there, if he were still alive..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:47 AM (6/2/22):
Pooja Jesrani, Nasa’s first AA flight director (msn.com)

"As a child, it had been my ambition to work at NASA in the future..." - Michael Izuchukwu


TIME: 5:23 PM (6/2/22):

VIDEO: When your girlfriend Accidentally caught the bouquet at The Wedding - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: "Interesting gathering, for a wedding... I have been to very few, in my life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 5:32 PM (6/2/22):

VIDEO: A Day In The Life: Yale Student - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: Years after college, I suspect that alumni events can be beneficial... for immersing oneself, in an 'academic and social'... atmosphere... as well as meeting like-minded individuals...

5:47 PM (6/2/22): "From 7:21-7:28 in the video, I got the impression that the female was thinking to herself, 'I better take in these collegiate moments, because when people leave here... some long, for those days'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:50 PM (6/2/22): "...perhaps she carries herself as though she is 5 years older than she actually is, at Yale.. to 'soak up those moments (age 26 as opposed to 21, for instance)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 6:15 PM (6/2/22):

VIDEO: Live❤️ 28 of May, Wedding Ceremony 결혼식 라이브 스트리밍 ПРЯМАЯ ТРАНСЛЯЦИЯ СВАДЕБНОЙ ЦЕРЕМОНИИ - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: "At 59:06-1:00:06 in this video, a slender African American dude... is dressed in a suit, rendered in a style... which contrasts with what I wore, to the Homecoming festivities of my high school... in the Fall of 2006... I suppose that at some point in the future, I would be in need of one... for some type of event... and for me, the style featured in this video... is more fitting...

...nevertheless, such could be pricey..." - Michael Izuchukwu


AVvXsEjBQh_7q1ZlMsDAKHo224krEBpqO9Fuk8AbQpAxwcdw_eInum6vh9r5p7G-xMpwL42apj7mvl-me8LlUcGba1SOFaqqnO5ol7X-ywYNFVMTI9bBoCrTJxiKoxg0tSerbLwzIuwKQgciQX-alCx77ms95Xcw3WrOGG2awtoT-HB9ddiPlZIwPsndZR3h=s454 (454×342) (googleusercontent.com)


TIME: 12:31 PM (6/3/22):


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz306) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 

CAPTION/QUOTE: "Aside from the fact that there are different time zones, on Earth... I have wondered if countries may be experiencing subtly different, consciousness/awareness levels... contingent on their connectivity, to communicative... technological mediums... In some places of the world, it may not be unnatural... to encounter someone, who has never seen a plane (aside from seeing one, perhaps every six months)


TIME: 12:35 PM (6/3/22)


Blood Diamond - Ending Scene (HD) - YouTube 

CAPTION/QUOTE: The Sierra Leone Civil War, began on 3/23/91 (in Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa)... and ended on 1/18/02...


[A receipt for 2 McChicken's, at 3:07 PM (as of 4:43 PM, on 6/3/22)... 
I noticed that such had the numbers '118,' alluding to the date in 2002, when the Sierra Leone conflict ended]

I suspect that many conflicts in impoverished regions of the world, arise from lack of resources and low literacy rates... which foster a disregard, for ethics...

NOTE: West Africa - Wikipedia 

NOTE: The Wright Brothers achieved flight, in 1903... see: LIBERATION IN TRUTH (beginnings75.blogspot.com) 


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz534) • Instagram photos and videos &

Harini Logan, an 8th-grader from Texas, wins 2022 Scripps National Spelling Bee in historic spell-off (msn.com) &


....... CONTINUED HERE: OPEN DOOR (2malachy72.blogspot.com) ....... 



7:50 PM (6/2/22):

There Are Only 4 Black Fortune 500 CEOs | GOBankingRates

CAPTION/QUOTE: "I found it interesting how Rosalind Brewer, kind of resembles the African American version... of Facebook's Chief Operating Officer (COO), Sheryl Sandberg..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Rosalind Brewer:

Rosalind-Brewer.jpg (1620×1620) (walgreensbootsalliance.com)

Thasunda Brown Duckett:

Z (183×275)

Marvin Ellison:

marvin-ellison-headshot-700x560.jpg (700×560) (windows.net)

Rene F Jones:

Jones Rene _Newsroom Photo cropped 210px-t.jpg (150×210) (mediaroom.com)

8:06 PM (6/2/22):

VIDEO: Top Female Founders Share Their Best Advice For Aspiring Entrepreneurs | Forbes Women's Summit - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: An interesting video...



1:06 PM (9/4/22): "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 (see: 2malachy71.blogspot.com) ... After exiting the shower not too long ago, I began to speculate deeply... about the implications of this... Surely, there is a 'special relationship' between the 'body' of a camel... and a 'rich man'... “My Kingdom is not… of this world...” – John 18:36 (according to Jesus Christ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQL1iqOBZxo When Jesus Christ said 'the above'... such likely was in the context, of having formerly been questioned... about his 'earthly treasures'... Perhaps His claim, was a self-fulfilling prophecy... given Jesus was driven by that sentiment, prior to His eventual 'ascent'... to heaven... ...the eye of a needle, is actually 'quite small'... in relation to the body of a camel... Assuredly, there is a reason why Jesus Christ made a remark... citing such a relationship... What is of interest, is how Jesus applied His insights from this... to ultimately achieve... the supernatural... There are many scenes from the bible, which may shed light... on the significance, of Matthew 19:24... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zhAT-jaljY Via the 'transitive property' of geometry, we can make an inference. Jesus Christ gained entry to heaven, and yet He said (by paraphrase) it is more difficult for a rich man to enter heaven, than for a camel... to pass through a needle's eye... Assuredly, due to the size of this animal... in relation to the 'eye of a needle,' this shows the sheer difficulty... affiliated with gaining entry, to heaven... if one is 'rich/wealthy'... ...If one likens oneself to the wealth of a camel (in the context of a human), then perhaps one has better odds... of entering heaven (in terms of the transitive property)... For was it not Jesus, who 'grazed off the spirit'... just as camels, graze off grass... Regarding the blog above (2malachy71.blogspot.com), formerly I wrote: "I made the inference that a rich person (of the world) often has many unwarranted or unnecessary attachments/obligations... which may weigh him/her down..." Jesus Christ looked towards His 'heavenly Father (God the Father)'... for guidance, when on Earth... He had a guardian father, named Saint Joseph... but was relating to God the Father, with greater expediency... and resolve... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjIlhu-yuTI Jesus Christ likely had 'limited material possessions'... but His 'intellectual property/knowledge of his mind'... had no bounds... ... Our 'heavenly Father' is 'God, the Father (Alien God, as in... of extraterrestrials)'... John 14:6 of the bible, states: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” ... According to Jesus Christ, He... Himself (Jesus), is the 'Human God,' and to reiterate... 'God the Father'... is the 'Alien God ('god of all species throughout the cosmos, who wonder about deities/higher powers)'... In the eyes of 'God the Father,' a camel would have a certain amount... of riches, which may not be obvious... to a human being... ...Following Jesus Christ's birth by the Virgin Mary Magdalene (via the Immaculate Conception)... at some stage Jesus realized that 'God the Father' is a being... operating in a capacity, that is beyond... that of Himself... ...in the context of him having been God, before He took over that function (after Jesus conquered... His Crucifixion, via the Resurrection... 3 days after such... and His departure to heaven, 40 days... after that)... ...an inference can be made, that given Jesus Christ now performs the function of God... in the spirit realm, God the Father oversees a more 'complex capacity'...


7:41 PM (10/21/22): "...one cannot walk through a 'spiritual door,' unless one has walked on a 'spiritual path'... This can only be achieved, via such means... and one's actions, serve as components... of 'the key'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

The LORD God Brings Glory and Good : His Testimony and Trial // December 7, 2019 - YouTube (7:47-7:59)


If one were to stand before the throne of Jesus Christ (God the Son) on Judgment Day, he/she would likely be asked questions... about what he/she knows, of Him... and to give an account (some portfolio), that attests as to why... entry to heaven, should be granted..

AVvXsEivW4vcxd6nfDKI9qBXseeXwt7tYiHk3NY_oz48CMhvtPFPjm7K0JkQ8oe2avUNaK9m1MYe3GWcAKyBgKmZI4tlhFPGtMEL3Y4vmWM_o_9jk_2Kx379cu4-XnoxNv529yijVBbJ78prTh1rXA_304b0zNLLaDuxj73ysAUxLdxG1uC74hhtXEVlca5E=s1500 (1500×1125) (googleusercontent.com)






[Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man... has no place, to lay his head..."] - Luke 9:58
